MOW WITH JOE. Say goodbye to gas, oil, noxious fumes and costly tune-ups, and tame the urban jungle with the mower made to make light work of your lawn -- the MJ504M 16” manual reel mower, from Sun Joe. At under 25 lbs, MJ504M is an easy-to-use, lightweight and maneuverable push reel mower designed to tackle tough turf with ease and provides a quiet, eco-friendly solution for any lawn. Powered by you, MJ504M has an impressive 16-inch wide cutting path and a 9-position height adjustment lever to tailor cutting heights up to 2.9-inches, so you are in complete control of your grass. The mower’s sleek, dual wheel design and 5 RAZOREEL sharpened steel blades ensures a picture-perfect lawn and precision cut that will be the envy of the entire neighborhood. MJ504M comes with a 2-Year full warranty, for reliable performance you can count on, season after season.
- Best Use: Small to Medium lawns
- Drive Type: Push
- Cutting Width: 16 in.
- 5 durable steel blades
- 4-rugged all-terrain wheels make it easy to push and maneuver
- Manual levers with 9 settings for quick and easy height adjustments
- Tailor your cutting height settings from 1.1 in. to 2.9 in.
- Comfortable foam grip
- Lightweight: 24.9 lbs
- Full 2-year warranty