Walker Mower Loader Bucket
Walker Mower Loader Bucket Features Include:
This Walker Mower Loader Bucket is a very versatile tool. For landscaping work the loader bucket will push, scoop, haul and grade dirt, stone, gravel and mulch. It will lift approximately 180-lbs and 2 1/4 cubic feet of material with 14" ground clearance for transport. Bucket has high-strength steel cutting edge and tilting action uses a 500lb electric ram. Requires implement hitch. This hard-working implement adds great value to the investment made in a Walker riding mower.
*Not available for use on Walker Mower model MB and MBS.
The Walker Mower Loader Bucket is available at Kooy Brothers located at 1919 Wilson Avenue, Toronto, Ontario.
for more information.
*Price is subject to change without notice. Errors and omissions exempted. *IH6620 Required.